Bray to Greystones, Ireland

The Plan of Action… What Is “The Plan of Attack?” Finally!! I’m settled back now after my 2 and a half weeks of being ‘home’. Took the time out for digesting and taking in all that was, the amazing whirlwind and oh so successful 3 month dream come true. Every Avenue and Street walked, new friends…

Thank You, New York City!

REINVENTING. REJUVENATING. REJOICING. RELIVING. REBORN! ‘THE’ most fabulous, positive, finding myself, exciting, uplifting, fulfilling experience of my life! ‘THE’ adventure to take on the bright lights big city of the one and only New York City! One fun, happy, exhilarating story that we ALL ended up sharing and being part of! One that had everything ~ hoped for, expected and…

New York Stamped My Heart!

WAHOOOOOOOO… This is it! PART DEUX ~ PART 2 ~ SECOND INSTALMENT ~ Continuation my lovely’s… Absolutely – no point whatsoever in me jumping up and down, POW POW POW’ing, kicking, screaming and throwing all the toys out of the pram this time heeheehee!! That ship has well and truely sailed my friends… Reality has hit ‘home’!!…

New York Stole My Heart!

and I am not looking for it back any time soon thank you very much! PART : 1 In our best American spoilt rich girl accent, here goes: “Like Seriously. Like. What’s a girl to do? Like. Come on already?? Jumping UP and Down.. JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP!! Kicking and Screaming… AAARRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH… KICK KICK KICK KICK!!! Current mood is…


Tom Petty gives it to us with the catchy tune as he sings from his heart ~ “cause I’m freeeeeeeeeeeee…freeeeeeefallin!” Tom Cruise, cruising and freefallin’ down the highway, exuding delight, in his movie Jerry Maguire!! The Jay Z and Alicia Keys’ ‘New York State of Mind’ song has pretty much the same effect to this scene, and so……

New York to Vermont!

Fun Fun Fun Alert! **Look away NOW if you “ARE NOT ABLE”!!** Please be advised this post IS NOT for the faint hearted or miserable but for the benefit of the fun, happy and lovable people! If you are one of these (fun,happy,lovable) please continue to READ ON and Enjoy…YAY!!  ** If you are the latter please proceed with Extreme Caution!…

My Dating Scene in New York City!

So where to start… Fantastic. Exciting. Energetic. Fast-paced. Overwhelming. In-trawling. Interesting. Another loving and happy week ‘comin atcha’ from the best place in the world, in my eyes anyway! New York City Baby! Currently and ohhh so happily sitting in my favorite coffee shop in the middle of Manhattan, New York. Ground Central, when you…

Happy Valentine’s, New York City!

New York Fashion Week… YAY!!! Emmmmm…honestly, not what I expected!! Remember how excited I was that I was going to “invite only fashion shows, the celebs, the mingling, the networking.” The idea of before I knew it, I would be famous too. Jennypennyxx will be on all invites and guest lists all over New York City….

It’s New York Fashion Week!

Cannot sleep right now with the utter excitement – It’s Killing ME!!  Currently, the snow flakes are falling outside my bedroom window, its a beautiful, crisp, cold night in Midtown, Manhattan and none other than the eve of New York Fashion Week 2016. The show starts tomorrow people!! ‘D Week’ of Fashion, Celebrities and Parties. The City that…

NYC, Super Bowl Sunday!

Dream Big and go get what you want in life!! It is all there for the taking we just have to reach, be brave and bloody go for it. I did, against most of the odds.. The Jennypennyxx dream land went a little something like this… ZZZzzzzz!! Wonder what my life would be like if I lived in…

NYC, I’m Keeping Up!

A Secret Location? Should I go for something like this? Take another Leap of Faith, push myself out of my comfort zone? Well I may as well I figured, sure why not. I have gone with my initiative on this Adventure thus far and it has got me to do so many fun things so one more…

Snowy New York!!

New York is bracing itself for a Blizzard from the Deep South to the North East. Today will be mostly sunny and windy with the anticipation of the looming snow storm. With lots of the fun fluffy white stuff on its way to New York City on Saturday 23rd January 2016, it is all the talk…

Dreams Do Come True!!

Here it is… Who has been waiting patiently for another true and honest update about Jennypennyxx ? Have you been wondering… What has been going down in New York City?! Where is that Lady of Happiness? Wait no more!! Some serious fun in store and guess what, I keep having to remind my own self of…

Moving on Up in NYC!

Your Prison sentence has run its course and is officially over. You served your time and with good behaviour on your record, you are now free to leave the building. Time to get outta here and spread your wings a little more.. All my bags are packed I’m ready to go!!! Wahooooo.. Bowery House was…

Dear NYC Diary!

Wow!! What an eventful couple of days. I am sitting so content this morning in New York on the corner of Bleeker Street and Bowery in a cafe called think coffee. After having the tastiest grilled cheese and now sipping on my Americano I’m getting some time to reflect and breathe. Out the big window…

A New York Minute!

Happy 2016 Everybody!! What do I wish for us all this year? I got it!! – Fun, laughter, making memories, living life, loving ourselves, loving others, being kind and to Be Happy and enjoy the Now (as best we all can!). These are my wishes for me and you going into this brand new fresh…


Q: Houston we have a problem! A: What is it? Q: In 3 days the girl will follow her dreams into the Unknown – New York! A: What will we do with this information? Q: FOLLOW HER – Do not let her out of your sight! 1:Oh my god 2:ohh my god 3:Ohhh my god!…

Happy Christmas!!

Hi guys!! 💋 A short little update on my goings on… First I just want to say a MASSIVE thanks to everyone for all the messages and texts of well wishes! People have come out of the woodwork to express their excitement and wish me well! I know I’m not the first girl to head…

I Heart New York!

Fear is removed and officially replaced with Total and Utter excitement!!! My countdown has begun!! In 13 days I will be on that Aer Lingus flight From Ireland to New York!✈️🚖🍎 Me, myself and I… Ohhhhh and YOU!! One suitcase! One dream! One life! Here goes… Just treated myself and upgraded my dinner on the plane…

Keep Building!

Positivity-Can you hear me? I have been knocking and knocking on the door, let me in. It’s cold out here and I miss you! Ringing the doorbell of a family home in Lucan on a dark windy December evening was a new one for me. I was shown into a cosy sitting room decorated happily for…

Dublin&The Dating Scene!

Alicia Keys! New York State of Mind is on constant replay in my head and I’m loving it. NEW YORK! Concrete jungle where dreams are made of… These streets will make you feel brand new.. Big lights will inspire you… Lets here it for New York, New York, New York! More often than not this week, I…

Freshen Up, New Chapter!

#feelinggood… right now, today! Is it time? YES! Time for what I hear you say? What is she at now!?? Time to change it up and shift this recent thumbs down energy around and kick its feckin’ butt. This includes increasing attendance in the gym, or at least actually starting to go, ha! So we all…

What could be wrong?

Finstown House by the fire this evening is just lovely. All the trees outside are all lit up for Christmas and the music is playing nicely in the back ground. It has a lovely atmosphere to relax, in the sitting room with a nice cuppa coffee. Definitely worth a visit to cosy up and chat….

Dublin’s Fair City!

The Capital of Ireland’s City temperatures are starting to get cold and frosty. There is that Christmassy atmosphere positively creeping in and you can’t help but get sucked in and ‘Love it’.Everyone is wrapped up and rushing around in the hustle and bustle on this crisp November evening. The murmured sounds of the street buskers…

Dinner Time Mayhem!

MENU: Today’s Special – Emotional Wreck! Starters: Stay and live in a house that is being painted head to toe… Main Course: Decide to up your life and move lock, stock and barrel to New York… Desert: Announce it to the world so there is no turning back!! Over the last few weeks I have…

Welcome to my world…

So its 5 o’clock in the morning… “you were on my mind… you were on my mind…” (Simon & Garfunkel) I have been working on creating my site and blog for the past few days and today for the last 11 hours… I hope you enjoy it, please bare with me until I get up and running…

My Paris Prayer… J’Adore❤️

It is extremely sad, unjust and unfathomable the horrific events that occurred in Paris yesterday. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of the victims in these tragic circumstances. Their lives taken so abruptly and without warning or reason. Good people going about their Friday evening enjoying shows, shopping, laughing,…

My New York Dream…

Soooooo…. Here I go…. On this journey!! Everything that has happened in my 35 years of life I believe has led me to this day!! This has always been my dream… Today, I have decided to go to New York City on my own to live and see what dreams are made of and what…