Thank You, New York City!






‘THE’ most fabulous, positive, finding myself, exciting, uplifting, fulfilling experience of my life!

‘THE’ adventure to take on the bright lights big city of the one and only New York City!

One fun, happy, exhilarating story that we ALL ended up sharing and being part of!

One that had everything ~ hoped for, expected and more!

Jennypennyxx made her maiden voyage back to the Emerald Isle and do you know what it was not half as bad as she had imagined…

Well except for the uncontrollable tears on the plane sitting on the runway of JFK Airport as I looked out the tiny window and the poor guy sitting in the isle seat to the left not knowing where to look…

My wise mother tells me that those tears could have been a “sign of relief”.

Mammy’s way with words : “To get on the plane after 3 months of minding yourself, enjoying yourself, working on yourself, pushing yourself, dealing with and negotiating that big massive city on your own and doing it so successfully, to be then safe and heading for home”

Or… they were just heartbreaking tears of having to leave the place I love so much?

Or… maybe I was just tired!! haha.. Either way that jumbo jet did not hold back, revved up its powerful engines and flew like the wind. Leaving me, myself and I arriving safely in Dublin Airport on Easter Monday morning. Grabbing my bags efficiently and heading out the door to what can only be described as my smiling proud father with his open arms, standing exactly where I had left him on New Years Eve, 88 exciting and unimaginable days prior!

Enjoying the home cooked Irish fry which consisted traditionally of bacon, eggs, sausages, black & white pudding accompanied with tea & toast was just what the doctor ordered, I think, but then again it was also very surreal and confusing. It was hard to believe that I was home on Irish soil, kind of like a dream or like I was just going through the motions and in slight disbelief.

With the best intentions to bring Jennypennyxx New York home for all my family and friends to enjoy… that energy just didn’t seem to be there? YET!

Got a glimpse of it when I got to my house and my neighbour Jean had a big “Welcome Home Jennypenny” banner on my front door, followed by a massive scream and a huge hug! This was so uplifting and gave the needed kick. My house had a lovely smell of washing, was clean and exuded the same relaxed happy atmosphere I had left it in. My gorgeous housemate Emily managed to keep the house a home which was only lovely and made me feel so lucky, once again!

The welcome committee and messages from my friends in New York and Ireland totally helped with this transition, as did the mother and father of a sleep in my own bed! Everything always looks brighter in the morning after a good sleep…

I have said before and I will say it again ~ I am a huge believer in things happening for a reason and so NOW it’s time to grab Ireland by the balls, keep enjoying life and keep pushing the boundaries!

Regrouping! –  This is what has been going down in my world this week.

There has been a barrage of healthy food, water, water, water and sleep, sleep, sleep. Hibernation and Regrouping! Getting things into perspective in my head and processing the last 3 months bit by bit, adjusting to the Irish weather and Ohhh my god… coming to terms with how slow people walk haha… In New York some would get clipped over the head for dragging their heals the way I have seen some people on the streets here but who knows what way it should be? More relaxed way of life or always in a rush and busy busy busy!

The support I have received on this journey has been unbelievable and I will be eternally grateful. It is difficult to put it into words but I will try ha! Leaving Ireland on New Years Eve, inside me was a broken spirit. Life had managed to throw its curve balls and succeeded to break me down bit by bit. There is not one person that I can think of that doesn’t have something going on in their lives that they are trying to deal with and overcome. This was my way. My path to fixing me! Luckily for me, setting up this blog left me in the very fortunate situation to make you smile and in return have you all there watching from the sidelines and cheering me on. I was never on my own…

You, me and the energy of New York City has helped me to become ME again!

Now stands a confident, happy, excited by life, tolerant, in control, whole again woman…

Thank You.

This adventure is by no means over. I’m fully aware that we all have to get on with our lives and live our day to day, pay the bills, go to work and keep going, so we can enjoy the finer things in life ~ holidays, weekends away, cosy nights in our lovely homes etc but none of us know what is going to happen. We can’t tell the future and after all the adventures in New York I for one still don’t know how this story ends? I am so excited to find out and so with that being said the fun part is I am going to keep going with this blog, my little baby ha! It is, after all, only 4 months old, I cant let it go now; I have to prepare it, help it mature and send it out into the world a grown ass adult!!

The attitude to New York City was “Show me what you got”

It excelled everything into such a positive space with a ‘give it to me’ attitude, upbeat and ready for anything…

NOW! – This is the attitude to ‘Ireland’…

and so, let the new adventures begin…

I’m back at the gym, will be writing my book (for real this time), going hiking with friends this week, exploring Ireland and Dublin, meeting new people, making new friends and get this, only home 6 days and have set myself up on a date tonight with what seems to be a lovely tall good looking guy…

We are going Bowling!

Could this ‘Strike’ change the direction of my life…?

– heeheeeheeee – I’m back!

Hope you enjoyed and smiled xx




One Comment Add yours

  1. Katie faga says:

    Another great blog Jen! Think you were a bit behind and I was having withdrawal symptoms!!! Hope you have settled in to home a little bit and not too sad!


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