Bray to Greystones, Ireland

The Plan of Action… What Is “The Plan of Attack?” Finally!! I’m settled back now after my 2 and a half weeks of being ‘home’. Took the time out for digesting and taking in all that was, the amazing whirlwind and oh so successful 3 month dream come true. Every Avenue and Street walked, new friends…


Tom Petty gives it to us with the catchy tune as he sings from his heart ~ “cause I’m freeeeeeeeeeeee…freeeeeeefallin!” Tom Cruise, cruising and freefallin’ down the highway, exuding delight, in his movie Jerry Maguire!! The Jay Z and Alicia Keys’ ‘New York State of Mind’ song has pretty much the same effect to this scene, and so……

New York to Vermont!

Fun Fun Fun Alert! **Look away NOW if you “ARE NOT ABLE”!!** Please be advised this post IS NOT for the faint hearted or miserable but for the benefit of the fun, happy and lovable people! If you are one of these (fun,happy,lovable) please continue to READ ON and Enjoy…YAY!!  ** If you are the latter please proceed with Extreme Caution!…

Snowy New York!!

New York is bracing itself for a Blizzard from the Deep South to the North East. Today will be mostly sunny and windy with the anticipation of the looming snow storm. With lots of the fun fluffy white stuff on its way to New York City on Saturday 23rd January 2016, it is all the talk…

Dear NYC Diary!

Wow!! What an eventful couple of days. I am sitting so content this morning in New York on the corner of Bleeker Street and Bowery in a cafe called think coffee. After having the tastiest grilled cheese and now sipping on my Americano I’m getting some time to reflect and breathe. Out the big window…

A New York Minute!

Happy 2016 Everybody!! What do I wish for us all this year? I got it!! – Fun, laughter, making memories, living life, loving ourselves, loving others, being kind and to Be Happy and enjoy the Now (as best we all can!). These are my wishes for me and you going into this brand new fresh…

Happy Christmas!!

Hi guys!! 💋 A short little update on my goings on… First I just want to say a MASSIVE thanks to everyone for all the messages and texts of well wishes! People have come out of the woodwork to express their excitement and wish me well! I know I’m not the first girl to head…

I Heart New York!

Fear is removed and officially replaced with Total and Utter excitement!!! My countdown has begun!! In 13 days I will be on that Aer Lingus flight From Ireland to New York!✈️🚖🍎 Me, myself and I… Ohhhhh and YOU!! One suitcase! One dream! One life! Here goes… Just treated myself and upgraded my dinner on the plane…

Keep Building!

Positivity-Can you hear me? I have been knocking and knocking on the door, let me in. It’s cold out here and I miss you! Ringing the doorbell of a family home in Lucan on a dark windy December evening was a new one for me. I was shown into a cosy sitting room decorated happily for…

Dublin&The Dating Scene!

Alicia Keys! New York State of Mind is on constant replay in my head and I’m loving it. NEW YORK! Concrete jungle where dreams are made of… These streets will make you feel brand new.. Big lights will inspire you… Lets here it for New York, New York, New York! More often than not this week, I…